If you spend a few minutes online searching for articles about search engine optimization, you’ll find one marketing expert after another saying SEO is no longer effective.
In fact, many of them will tell you this traffic generation method is dead.
Others will tell you it’s outdated and obsolete, but the overall consensus will be SEO is no longer worth your time.
It’s on its way out and you need to focus on other ways to get traffic to your website.
Now you could look at the current landscape this way or you can recognize SEO is always changing.
Some methods which used to be really effective no longer work, and Google continues updating their algorithms while leaving search engine specialists banging their heads against a table in the dark.
On the other hand, there’s still a group of experts who believe in SEO.
They realize if you’re willing to make adjustments, you can still top the search engine rankings with enough time, patience, and attention.
These experts believe SEO is going through a period of growth, but when all's said and done, it will come back bigger and better and be a huge winner for those who don’t give up on it.
At this time, search engine optimization is still a great approach for local businesses looking to drive targeted traffic to their sites with an investment returning a huge ROI.
We’ll take a look at the top 14 reasons why SEO is still a killer marketing tactic, hands down.
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